Remutaka Road Action Group
A new modern highway connecting the Wairarapa with Wellington and the World
Total number of registered supporters
Supporter Statements
Phillippa Harford
I support a new road, We need more resilience and I would be happy to pay a toll to use it . . .
Phillippa Harford
Phillippa Harford
Tom Sellwood
Would love to see a decent safer road to Wellington. It would be fantastic for Wairarapa in terms of increased tourism and economic growth for the region. . . .
Tom Sellwood
Tom Sellwood
Mark Jerling
A new road would greatly improve access to the Wairarapa and help make the Wairarapa a viable alternative to living in Wellington, thereby allowing may Wellingtonians access to more affordable housing. . . .
Mark Jerling
Architectural Designer, Mark Jerling Architectural Design
Mark Jerling
Architectural Designer, Mark Jerling Architectural Design
Iain McFarland
The hill represents a significant barrier between Wellington and the Wairarapa, and I can only see the easing of that barrier being a good thing for the community. . . .
Iain McFarland
Iain McFarland
Kirsten Leak
I would like a faster safer route to Wellington. I would visit the city more often if there was a direct faster easier route to drive and would happily pay a toll. . . .
Kirsten Leak
Kirsten Leak
Shruthy Chacko
I support the plan for new road. We find it difficult to travel on time to take flights as road can get blocked easily . . .
Shruthy Chacko
Shruthy Chacko
Andrew Dench
This would be good for the hole region the current road is a nightmare at the best off times. Also I believe it will bring more traffic though the Wairarapa. A flat straight road would be safer and coast less in the long run . . .
Andrew Dench
Andrew Dench
Pat Frankenberg
Love to see this happen would make more trips to Hutt and wellington . . .
Pat Frankenberg
Pat Frankenberg
G&T Crosland
Desperately needed. Toll highly appropriate. Foreign and commercial investment will incentivise success. . . .
G&T Crosland
BnB Host
G&T Crosland
BnB Host
Liz West
An alternative road would allow a safer and quicker route for locals and tourists alike. The number of heavy trucks using the hill now can increase traveling time by 30 minutes. Many of my family and friends are reluctant to drive over due to their belief that it is a daunting trip! The WaIrarapa businesses offer so much to those who do visit and anything that supports their growth must benefit the wider community. . . .
Liz West
Liz West
John Cavill
A decent road is required on many levels from Safety, travel/transport cost reduction, lower emissions and allowing economic growth on both sides of the hill. It also provide another exit route out of Wellington in the event of natural disasters. . . .
John Cavill
John Cavill
Valerie Coulson
Travelling over the Remutaka Hill since a child (on the back of a truck) and then owning a property in Carterton which required many trips regardless of the weather has always vaguely frightened me. We undoubtably need a straighter road. I hope you succeed with this plan. . . .
Valerie Coulson
Valerie Coulson
Hayden Robinson
I'd happily pay $6 each way for a faster, straighter and safe route through to the Wairarapa. . . .
Hayden Robinson
Hayden Robinson
Khan Murray
I’ve travelled this hill for work over the past 24 years. It’s tiresome and time consuming. I’ve always dreamt about having a road straight up the gully from Kaitoke to Featherston, with a tunnel through the middle part (which is pretty small) I’d love to see this happen!" . . .
Khan Murray
Khan Murray
Randall Cobb
The safety of our Wairarapa communities and the economic resilience of the Wairarapa require a second road over the Remutaka Hill. If, in the event of a middle or long term closure of the hill road, we were required to access Wellington only by way of Palmerston North our region would suffer dramatically. . . .
Randall Cobb
Randall Cobb
Lesley Fisk
As a person who lives on SH2 at the foothill of the Remutaka Hill and sees first hand the amount of road closures/disruptions happening because of accidents and maintenance I agree the Remutaka Road needs to be included in the Government’s list of Roads of National Significance and that a study is undertaken towards a new alternate route. . . .
Lesley Fisk
Lesley Fisk
Greg McMillan-Perry
A new road that would better cater for large trucks. Ridiculous that there are parts of the current Remutaka hill road that 2 large vehicles can not pass each other. Also the near misses on corners when trucks cross the centre line. We also need a second road in case of emergency. Sick and tired of being held to a curfew when major works need to be done. . . .
Greg McMillan-Perry
Teacher, Hut International Boys' School
Greg McMillan-Perry
Teacher, Hut International Boys' School
Ange Kalogeropoulos
I absolutely support an alternative Remutaka Road - we’ve lived here for nearly 20 years and I’ve been noticing so much more frequent rock fall and slips over the last few years. I’ve been saying to my whānau that there’ll be a catastrophic slip up before long. and in the event this does happen, we would be completely cut off from Wellington for many months. . . .
Ange Kalogeropoulos
Choir Manager, Choirs Aotearoa
Ange Kalogeropoulos
Choir Manager, Choirs Aotearoa
Priscilla Foothead
For the Wairarapa to progress, expand and connect with businesses, family and friends to make it more inviting and viable financially we need to be be accessible to other region's which a new road would achieve . . .
Priscilla Foothead
Priscilla Foothead
Max Bradford
I support an alternative route to the present SH2 . . .
Hon Max Bradford
Hon Max Bradford
Kirk Bird
I drive over the hill 2 to 3 times a week. It would be great to have better access between the Wairarapa and Wellington. It would help with the Wairarapas growth as well. . . .
Kirk Bird
Sales Manager, Lower Hutt Powertool Centre
Kirk Bird
Sales Manager, Lower Hutt Powertool Centre
Graham Smith
It's about time. NZ's roading is in many places sub-par and this is one of them. Can't happen soon enough for me. . . .
Graham Smith
Graham Smith
Nigel Webster
The road over the remutakas is so dangerous now especially with all the big trucks using it . Iv come around corners to see a truck on my side of the road . . .
Nigel Webster
Supervising Inspector
Nigel Webster
Supervising Inspector
Rob Thomson
More and more people are moving to the Wairarapa, who travel to wellington. Time for a modern transit connection! . . .
Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson
Karl Lucas
Make it easier for us to shift oversize loads between the Wairarapa and Wellington areas . . .
Karl Lucas
Load Pilot, Hawkes Bay Heavy Haulage
Karl Lucas
Load Pilot, Hawkes Bay Heavy Haulage
The Remutaka Hill is not only dangerous, but quite often closed. Either because of weather or constant road works. It's not good enough that the only other option we have is a 3-4 hour trip. The Remutaka Hill is not sustainable and there needs to be another way . . .
Customs Officer
Customs Officer
Susan Hagan
The road is not fit for the demand. Its only a matter of time until there is a head on with one of the larger trucks that fail to remain in their lanes on the sharper turns. . . .
Susan Hagan
Susan Hagan
James Boon
I support a safe and efficient new road between the Wairarapa and Wellington. It will do well for the Wairarapa economy and save lives - get onto it ASAP! . . .
James Boon
James Boon
Neil Bennett
I travel this road frequently and fully support a safer alternative to the current road. There are too many heavy vehicles on this road which is too narrow and twisty. . . .
Neil Bennett
Neil Bennett
Robert Smith
It is most important that the road from Wairarapa to Hutt is upgraded to a road of national significance - a highway to be able to do 100 km hr. This is urgently needed. It should be at least started in 3-5 years. Please fast-track. . . .
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Shane Hart
I travel over the Remutaka Hill weekly. As a resident of Masterton, I understand how much the smaller region relies on a the transport link to a larger region, and a better more safe and resilient route is essential to bring prosperity to the region. . . .
Shane Hart
Director Client Relations, Insol NZ Ltd
Shane Hart
Director Client Relations, Insol NZ Ltd
Diana Cudby
The existing road has served its purpose, it's a high risk route and too vulnerable to failure. It's time we had a motorway standard road over the hill that's suitable for ALL users . . .
Diana Cudby
Diana Cudby
I support this new road and it absolutely
needs to be a national road of significance !! . . .
Joanna Hoogvelt
Living at the foot of Rumataki Hill behind State Highway 2 I long for an alternative road to take some of the traffic away from us. An eventual climate event might block the present road and cut all of us off for an uncertain duration. It will be good to have a back up road out of here. . . .
Joanna Hoogvelt
Retired Academic
Joanna Hoogvelt
Retired Academic
This road really needs replaced upgraded. The corners are dangerous, the ongoing repairs are dangerous and constant. There needs to be a safe, long lasting road so we can get to where we're going safely and at a speed limit that is consistent with what states highways should be able to host . . .
Ashley Lienert
I agree that this is critical infrastructure needed to support economic growth in New Zealand. . . .
Ashley Lienert
Economist, Treasury
Ashley Lienert
Economist, Treasury
Mike Wilton
New road and tunnel system would be quickest route to save energy and improve the flow to goods, services, commuting and travel. . . .
Mike Wilton
Mike Wilton
Hugh Costello
I applaud the initiative taken by RRAG and support option 2. . . .
Hugh Costello
Hugh Costello
To ensure the safety and convenience of all commuters, it is essential to develop an alternative route that prioritizes secure and accessible travel. This initiative aims to minimize traffic risks, reduce congestion, and provide a designated pathway for safe and efficient transportation . . .
Sharnah Workman
As someone who used to travel the hill everyday for work, and continues to travel over it to see my family every week it needs to be better so the Wairarapa isn’t cut off from the Wellington region and we should have to travel an extra 2 hours just to get to the city. . . .
Sharnah Workman
Sharnah Workman
Peter Brookerp
Let’s move into the 21st century and not have to rely on a crappy road that was established in the 1800s by pick & shovels for horses drawing coaches, let’s make the Wairarapa great again or greater cheers . . .
Peter Brookerp
Peter Brookerp
Catherine Hambly
I support this initiative! As a frequent traveller between Wellington and Masterton, I would welcome a safer and better option, which I feel is long overdue. . . .
Catherine Hambly
Catherine Hambly
Dennis Page
It's astounding to read that a small town such as Hope near Nelson can get a bypass registered as a Road of National Significance and yet a vital connector that connects Greater Wellington (comprising some 450,000 people) with another 50,000 people in the Wairarapa can't even register as a road of regional significance let alone a national one. . . .
Dennis Page
Process Development Chemist
Dennis Page
Process Development Chemist
Cameron McKenna
I support a new route, current route is dangerous, slow and expensive to maintain. . . .
Cameron McKenna
Cameron McKenna
Kohei Koyama
SH2 is the bloodstream of the NZ economy, which needs more reliability and safety. Protecting the logistics line for Wellington, the capital of NZ, is not only a matter of rural area but also of national security. . . .
Kohei Koyama
Director, Urlar Vineyard
Kohei Koyama
Director, Urlar Vineyard
Worick Tai
I would prefer a 4 lane tunnel thru the Remutakas linked to a 4 lane highway thru to Napier with connections to the new Manawatu highway under construction at the moment. But it f that option is too expensive then a new road over the hill would be good too. . . .
Worick Tai
Truck Driver
Worick Tai
Truck Driver
Tony Richardson
The previous National Government, after the GFC, made this road a road of national significance. It was improved somewhat as a result but since then the status and priority has been lost. One suspects money has gone into unneeded and unwanted pedestrian crossing humps, wire barriers and cycleways instead. . . .
Tony Richardson
Tony Richardson
© Remutaka Road Action Group