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Remutaka Road Action Group

A new modern highway connecting the Wairarapa with Wellington and the World

Mt Messenger Comparison

The Remutaka Hill Road is busier and has more crashes than the steep, narrow, winding Mount Messenger section of State Highway 3 in Taranaki.

And yet, the Government has chosen to build a 6 kilometre bypass around Mount Messenger, while they ignore the riskier Remutaka Hill Road.

Here’s a comparison between these roads:

Statistic Remutaka Hill Rd (SH2) Mt Messenger (SH3)
Serious Injury Accidents (2014 – 2023)296
Fatal Accidents (2014 – 2023)50
Planned Closures (Sep 2021 to Aug 2024)898
Unplanned Closures (Jan 2020 to May 2024)3425
Average driving speed46/KPH56/KPH
Maximum Grade (height gained per 100 metres travel)31 metres (31%)12 metres (12%)
Average Vehicles per Day7,6482,461
Average Heavy Vehicles per Day473472
Maximum Daily Vehicles (past 12 months)12,7304,950
Star Rating22
Length of detour when road closed213 KM (via Palmerston North)92 KM

Flyover Simulation of proposed Mt Messenger Bypass.

We believe this type of upgrade is essential for the Remtuaka Hill Road

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