Remutaka Road Action Group Logo

Remutaka Road Action Group

A new modern highway connecting the Wairarapa with Wellington and the World

Say YES to a new road over the Remutaka Hill

We promote the construction of a new, safe, high-speed highway between Wairarapa and the Hutt Valley.

The Remutaka Road Action Group is campaigning for:

1. An investigation into a new alternate highway over the Remutaka Hill.

2. Having the Remutaka Hill Road included in the government's list of Roads of National Significance.

New Highway

This is required over an improvement to the existing route to ensure resilience. The recent slip under the hill road shows just how vulnerable the current road is. It requires full closure of the road overnight closures and single lane operations during the day. This results in 9 weeks of delay and closures with no practical alternative.

Imagine the impact on the Wairarapa that a major slip would have as a result from severe weather or earthquake? The road could be closed for months resulting in the Wairarapa being cut off from essential supplies and support. Rather than wait for it to happen, we need to prepare for it now by investigating an alternative resilient highway.

The new highway must be of high quality that you can safely drive at 100 kilometres per hour, with gentle slopes, sweeping curves, and safe overtaking options on uphill stretches. The new road will be far more drivable than the existing route, which we believe should be kept as an emergency alternative.

Roads of National Significance (RoNS)

Roads of National Significance are roads listed in the National Land Transport Plan (NLTP) that have been prioritised for improvement, to support economic growth and productivity, reduce congestion, improve safety and resilience, and support housing development.

To get included in the NLTP, it needs to first be included in the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP). The RLTP sets the direction for transport in the region for the next 10 - 30 years and is updated every 3 years. Only maintenance of the existing Remutaka route is referenced in the current RLTP. An investigation into a new route must get included in the next update to get it on the radar.

Our Vision for a New Remutaka Highway

  • Safe, comfortable, economical driving in all weather conditions
  • Long straights, sweeping curves, no steep slopes, 100 kilometres per hour speed limit
  • Easier for family and friends to get together
  • Attract more people to Wairarapa events and businesses
  • Quicker, more comfortable bus trips
  • Faster, more reliable courier and freight delivery
  • Reduced congestion and delays
  • Fewer closures
  • Boost tourism and attendance at events in the Wairarapa


The existing Remutaka Hill Road would remain as an alternative route, in case the new highway needs to be closed for maintenance.

Help Us to Make it Happen

Do you support the Remutaka Road being included on the Roads of National Significance?  Do you support a study into alternative routes? Then we need your support. The Remutaka Road has been ignored for too long. This is your chance to join others and make a stand to show the NZTA and the Government the depth of feeling in our community.

Please register your support now.

© Remutaka Road Action Group